What type of health insurance will you take out

Nowadays it is not possible for the working class or the business community to get sick at all. Even after Koro, people are worried about the cost of the disease. Today, due to the high cost of treatment, if a sudden illness occurs, the household budget of the employed person is disrupted. On the other hand, if a business man cannot go to work, it can affect his income, so many people choose to take out health insurance to minimize the economic effects of the disease as much as possible, but there are many types of health insurance available in the market. The person is harassed.

If a person takes five health covers, he gets a lot of financial protection against the disease. Brief information about these five health covers is given here.

Personal Health Insurance

This is the basic type of health insurance cover available in the market for an individual. This includes hospitalization and surgery costs up to the amount the person has insured. The premium for such a policy depends on the sum insured you take out.

Family Floater Cover

In this the family is considered as one unit. If the family has to be hospitalized due to a new illness or accident after the cover is exhausted in the policy year, it reimburses the original sum insured. The biggest advantage of a family floater policy is that it is economically cheaper to take out an individual policy for each family member.

Top-Up Insurance

Often the firm’s owner or company takes out health insurance for the family, including its employees or their guardians. Such coverage is for a minimum of 3 cum. Insurance breaks can happen if you change jobs. Therefore, it is always advisable to take extra personal protection. Top-up covers come with affordable premium. The top-up policy pays a certain amount (called deductible) claims. Up to the sum insured can be claimed.

Personal Accident Policy

This policy only offers compensation in the event of death or bodily injury of the insured as a result of accidental, external, visible and violent means. There are different types of coverage available, ranging from limited coverage to death only, extended coverage including death, permanent disability and temporary complete disability. Group Personal Accident Policy is also available for specific groups, with premium discounts depending on the size of the group.

Critical Illness Policy

The Critical Illness Plan pays a lump sum on the diagnosis of serious illnesses outlined in your policy document. This lumpsum can be used to pay for expensive treatment or recovery aids, to offset loss of income due to loss of earning capacity or to pay off debt.


The premium can be obtained by purchasing an in-depth agent online instead of all these insurance covers. The benefits of each plan may vary, depending on the insurance company. Therefore, before taking any policy, it is necessary to do adequate research and get enough information about it.

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